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  1. E

    Everyone is getting pregnant!

    @innas Yup same. My fiancés sister is due to have the first grandkid in the family in a couple of weeks, and like 4 couples just changed their rsvps to “no” to our wedding in May and let us know it’s cause they’re either due around then or will be too pregnant to travel. Also trying in June..I...
  2. E

    My best advice from the other side

    @cisty really needed to read this today as I’ve had a very long WTT and am nearing the end and having a lot of emotions come up around the impatient feelings I’ve been keeping under control for years now
  3. E

    How did you decide you were ready to try?

    @craigp I will say I did Invisalign as one of my “to do’s” before trying and now I’m struggling to wear my retainer at night due to nausea in the first trimester. I try to get in a few good hours of retainer use each night but I’ll probably have to do another (hopefully shorter) round of...