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  1. G

    Desperate for help. Please.

    @thomasmann I totally get how hard this is. I'm going to suggest undertiredness. Your wake windows add up to 10-10.5 hours of awake time per day, meaning you're trying for 13.5-14 hours of sleep. Average sleep needs for 4-12 month olds range from 12-15 hours in 24 and declines over the first...
  2. G

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali Please do check the group out, it's really worth it and has helped me so much. I've seen talk in there of medical reasons for needing to be latched all night being potentially from enlarged tonsils/adenoids or oral ties but I haven't delved into it myself because that's not my bubs...
  3. G

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali If you aren't already, I reccomend joining the Beyond Sleep Training Project Facebook group for both gentle night weaning support and support with your babies sleep. There are many parents in that group with similar problems to you - and from what I've read of their experiences...
  4. G

    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart Hahaha good luck and I hope she gets back to some longer stretches soon!!
  5. G

    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart It's so hard, trust me I know it's not easy. And there are still peaks and troughs for us. Usually it's 2 feeds on average but then last night she fed hourly. 😵‍💫 So at around 8 months my little one was averaging 3 feeds (down from 50 million when we weren't bed sharing) and...
  6. G

    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart It's sooo normal for babies to sleep well around 3-4 months and then from 4 months onwards sleep far less well. The four month regression is a permanent change to their sleep cycles. And also, they're beginning to move more so of course they're hungrier? They used to lie...