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  1. K

    Managing bedtimes?

    @judie I hadn’t even considered homework yet…….. 😳she will have homework in kinder so I guess that remains to be seen. I’m expecting 30 minutes a night.
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @trust_in_the_name Yeah I have done the backward countdown and it seems like it will have to be 7/7:30 to be asleep by 8 because she will be getting up at 6:30 to get to school in time. I have a lot of work ahead but planning to get to bed 15 minutes earlier each night until I get her to bed and...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @trust_in_the_name She was asleep by 9:30 last night but then woke up on her own at 8 am. It seems 8 am is her normal wake time…. So I think I’ll have to shoot for an early bed time, especially once she starts waking up earlier for school.
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    Unhelpful husband

    @pagejc88 Good luck getting most husbands to read anything muchless that book!
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @matt21 What time do they wake up? 7 seems so early but if they’re getting up at like 5/6 am then 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @cbc8171 He sounds like my 4 year old. She can just go, go, go. I think meal prepping will help a ton.. I’m also going to have to work more efficiently to try to get more done during my lunch and breaks.
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @willyt1562 Well for now it’s every day since she doesn’t do much else. She has a kids day out program 9-2 2 days a week & begs to do more things.. so we do. But when she starts kinder we won’t be doing so much. It will be time to focus on school for a bit. Sports can come later, although she...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @christfollower21 Thankfully she will have uniforms but definitely need to look into prepping lunches. She has some basic lunches now that I pack for her kids day out program (2 days/week) but I’ll need a bit more variety.
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @christfollower21 Well I guess a big part of this answer is getting dad aka husband (lol) to step up. I’m trying. I was actually having a bit of a shit fit earlier before posting this saying we are never going to have this schedule thing down and to my SURPRISE I came out of the shower to find...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @serina1995 Look at you! You are killin’ it with the schedule, seriously!!!! I will get there. Definitely jumping on Pinterest for some inspiration for meals/meal prepping. When I do have leftovers it helps tremendously, so much that I’d almost just eat that same meal every day to avoid any...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @joint_praise I was wondering the same. I’m going to ask if they have an earlier class. I think they do because they have an after school program. It is late considering she will get out of school at 3:30.
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    Unhelpful husband

    @bongoon This is what I did too and call it a r/chorestrike My husband complained I did him clothes and caused an inconvenience because I always do laundry on the day he’s “too busy” to put them up Well now he can fully choose when to both WASH DRY and PUT UP his clothes 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @joint_praise Yes, she isn’t in school now just a kids day out program twice a week so we are mainly doing the activities for socialization. Once she starts Kindergarten, she won’t be doing gymnastics twice a week. Maybe just once a week. We will have to think about tball because the time...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @joint_praise Not everyday but she has tball 3 times a week, varying hours. Usually it’s 5-6 or 6-7 for practice. Games are 6:15-7 during the week or weekends, plus gymnastics twice a week. I don’t think an hour of sports daily is an issue but I definitely need to wait til they’re asleep for...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    List is really for myself. This is helpful and I’ll be sitting down to really work on this (as if I have the time, right?).
  16. K

    Managing bedtimes?

    @janenekl We are just week 2 into this but after dinner my husband would watch the kids/give them baths while I finish everything else from during the day- cleaning baby’s highchair, finishing laundry, picking up toys, then showering. Once I’m done showering, I’d come back and start bedtime...
  17. K

    Managing bedtimes?

    @wc0476 She’s 4 & it’s not every night but I’ve quickly realized it’s the extracurriculars. We are very new at schedules but we do much better on non-activity nights. It’s still not easy but easier!.. I’ll have to start making more manageable meals too. I do cook a lot but wouldn’t mind less...
  18. K

    Managing bedtimes?

    @stuart1717 That sounds ideal… it’s hard to get much done with an 18 month old while the 4 year old is gone but more would definitely get done than all of us going to the activities. I seriously don’t understand how people with 3+ kids do this. And I know plenty of people with 4+ kids!.. Sucks...
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @waitingfortheday I was just talking to my husband about this and the first thing he said is it is the sports… I guess we will have to re-evaluate or as you said, dinner prior then just snack after. That’s a great suggestion.
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    Managing bedtimes?

    My daughter is starting Kinder in August and we also have a 2 year old. We both WFH so haven’t been too strict about bedtimes but now that our daughter will have to go to school soon, we are trying. And I just don’t understand how you all make it work. By the time work is over it’s 5/5:30. We...