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  1. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @richking58 I’m sure they do exist already. I just don’t know what they are because I don’t work in a hospital.
  2. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @richking58 I have no idea. I live in a city with basically no public transportation and pretty much everyone, even very poor people just have to have cars.
  3. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @richking58 It’s literally illegal for an infant to travel in a car without being in a car seat- regardless of who owns the car. So your hospital enabled reckless endangerment of a child if you let them leave in a car without a car seat.
  4. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @richking58 Unless she lives literally next door to the hospital, that’s not really happening. Knowing the Appalachian South, it’s so highly unlikely it’s not a possibility worth addressing.
  5. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @kbupdike I haven’t given birth yet, but what I was told by my midwife is the hospital employs people who are also CPSTs and they inspect your car seat installation and fit before you’re allowed to leave with the baby.
  6. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @kbupdike A lot of convertible seats, even with the inserts, don’t pass inspections for smaller (or even average sized) newborns. Even if they will in a week or two with a bit more growth, the hospital’s responsibility is to make sure your infant leaves safely right when they release you.
  7. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @kbupdike Ok? I’m just sharing what the regulations are at the hospital where I’m delivering (and what I’ve seen other post as true for their hospitals as well in my bumper date groups)
  8. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @holly27 Yeah we’ll be using the infant seat until she outgrows it and going to the fire station to get them both inspected before she goes in either
  9. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @holly27 We’re getting an infant seat and a convertible because I just don’t want to risk it. Our travel system we chose comes with a super highly rated infant seat, and I got our convertible Graco Slimfit for only $150 on some kind of super sale from Amazon a couple months back.
  10. W

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @hermit76 Check with your hospital- ours won’t let us leave without an infant seat because so many of the convertible seats just don’t fit newborns safely/well.