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    B Belly

    @7caldwell Getting a C on Tuesday I’ll let you know! I think the incision site is lower than where the hanging fat is. It’s bikini line.
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    B Belly

    @married2aliar Came here to say this about shapewear or even just quality cotton high waisted underwear. It helps round out the flabby undercarriage.
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @pollinnna230 My cycles are like 35-45 days long and for my current pregnancy I ovulated on day 29. I did do Ozempic before TTC and lost ~20 lbs but was still at a high BMI. I’m about at the weight that I was before Ozempic at 37 weeks. I don’t think short term use of Ozempic is so bad. I...
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    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    @4meta Also have the meds been “monitored medicated cycles?” Meaning, has the doc checked her ovaries on ultrasound to make sure she actually ovulated? I would try Natural Cycles + Oura Ring and/or Inito to track hormone levels/ovulation at home to make sure she’s ovulating and at the right...
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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @mousa Yeah and it would help so that you could have moments alone with your husband. This is often called the “roommate” phase where you barely see your partner because you’re taking shifts. To have her there to watch the baby sleep or feed her for a 4 hour stretch might give you time to be...
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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @mousa Oof this is hard. I told my MIL to come at month 2. I wanted privacy to figure things out. She responded by sending my husbands younger brother to stay with us to be “helpful” —he is 20 and knows nothing about babies and I do not feel comfortable breastfeeding in front of him etc. we...
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    I don’t FEEL pregnant

    @msyue92 I had the same! Didn’t feel pregnant for basically the first trimester with my LC and felt very pregnant with my MC.