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    It's happening!

    @katrina2017 Lol same. I drank too much coffee so I'm opting to eat instead of nap. I'd rather make that call now than regret not eating later on. My wife is only 37wks +2 so we're anticipating a little on the smaller side. Midwife estimated around 6 lbs last week.
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    It's happening!

    @katrina2017 Yep, our first! We've raised her cousin's son for two years but the whole L&D experience is new to us. Congratulations! Hope mom's doing well!
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    It's happening!

    @katrina2017 We're doing great! Just got the epidural and catheter in and we're trying to settle in for a nap before the big show probably tonight.
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    It's happening!

    @teresad788 Honestly, sitting at hour 16 of active labor. I wish that wad our case. Glad everything worked out for you!
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    It's happening!

    @infoiglesia You're in a tougher position than I, 4 more weeks of late term pregnancy sounds unbearable to add this experience on top of. Best of luck my dude, just do what you can and sneak her snacks.
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    It's happening!

    @infoiglesia We're attempting to get some sleep but the contractions are finally setting on the moment midnight hit lol This baby boy is already running our schedule however he wants and he's not even officially here yet.
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    It's happening!

    @bifjamod Thank you! Looks like a slow labor at this point. Gonna get some ambien in her in an hour or so so she can hopefully sleep.
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    It's happening!

    @christianroots SHE'S got this. At this point I've just snuck her snacks and set up charging cables and walked her to the toilet lol
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    It's happening!

    @janonby She unfortunately was only dilated about.5 Centimeters 3 hours ago so we're having to be induced. Here's hoping we don't have a super long night ahead!
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    It's happening!

    My wife is 37 weeks and her water broke this morning! I went to work as we weren't 100% sure it'd happen today, but she had the midwives confirm she definitely had her water break so they're saying we've gotta be induced today. Headed home to pack (thought we had more time, DON'T MAKE MY...
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @n14joe Good for you. I'd rather my son have the choice instead of making it for him.
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @sketchmedesire He can always take it off later, but you can't get those tens of thousands of nerve endings back. My parents cost me tons of sexual satisfaction due to their religion. Fuck em for that.
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @lookingforhope47 Father of a 2.5 year old. Gender has been zero part of any of our decision making thus far. We chose not to circumcise because: 1.) he cannot consent 2.) there's no medical or science back justification for doing so 3.) who cares what his penis looks like besides his...
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    Anyone else nervous about taking leave?

    @none001 Your job is offering leave as a benefit. You earned this and deserve it. If your job decides to treat you unfairly because you took leave, then you may have a case for wrongful termination. I was similarly anxious and took all 12 weeks. Very toxic work environment and I was told it...