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  1. L

    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @person47 I told our doc pretty much straight away. Just wanted to get it outta there. He shrugged. It was nice haha.
  2. L

    9 days late didn’t have penetrative sex am I pregnant?

    @minhphat No, it does. This person seriously needs help. The fact you’re okay with sweeping something as horrible as severe (and this is severe) pregnancy anxiety under the carpet shows you don’t understand. This level of anxiety can be hugely detrimental to a persons health, in a myriad of...
  3. L

    9 days late didn’t have penetrative sex am I pregnant?

    @minhphat Bizarre comment but you’re entitled to your opinion. You sound young, so that’s fine. This persons post history is them being absolutely terrified of being pregnant when there’s quite literally zero chance. That is insanely unhealthy.
  4. L

    linea nigra- not pregnant (i think?)

    @sycarton You’re absolutely not pregnant.
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    9 days late didn’t have penetrative sex am I pregnant?

    @outsidethebox7331 Please seek mental health help. You’re screwing with your hormones because someone fingered you..
  6. L

    Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

    @dan1988 I’m so sorry.