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  1. V

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @markinsydney Ok firstly thank you for SEEING me and secondly for condensing my diatribe 😂 I didn’t feel like defending myself in the comments and didn’t think I needed to. We have been talking about consent since she was a wee babe, but it is a complex concept and 2 years olds are just going to...
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    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @edie1994 I totally get that perspective and we are already very clear with her that she gets to decide what happens with her body (outside of diaper changes) and I’ve used some of this language to get my point across but sometimes she’s just too upset to hear it 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @pastorchrisonline Lol I agree I could definitely hold the boundary a bit more firmly, but often we’re having these interactions in the middle of the night and that’s when I’m all about doing whatever gets us all back to sleep the fastest
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    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    I have a brilliant, incredibly verbal delightful occasionally spicy 2 year old. Our breastfeeding journey had a rough start (tongue tie, CMPA, overactive letdown) so I’m proud we’ve been able to do it for this long. She would nurse all day if I let her, but we’re mostly down to nursing a bit at...