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    My 11 y.o. daughter doesn't like her dad

    @katrina2017 Why is it up to mom to help facilitate the relationship? Where is his agency in the situation?
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    EOW w/ Holidays

    @fluffpuffgerbil I didn’t interpret it as a parent being upset that they have to see their child 3 weekends in a row. More like a parent doesn’t get to see their child 3 weekends in a row.
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    EOW w/ Holidays

    @leslie74 In my situation Holidays trump the schedule. If that means the parent has three weekends in a row, so be it, BUT I would be willing to work something out provided the other parent came to me far enough in advance and it didn’t interfere with activities or already made plans.
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    Ex and his fiance are making me feel like a shit parent

    @joannad Hey mama, stop caring what they think and be easier on yourself. You are doing ALL the heavy lifting. All of it. It’s really easy for people to sit on the sidelines and judge and that is exactly what your ex is doing. They are watching you do al the hard day in and out parenting while...
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    Looking for co-parenting book recommendations!

    @jh24 Simple enough right? But hard for some people.
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    Looking for co-parenting book recommendations!

    @jh24 That’s the majority of it but there usually is a lot more involved. Because someone can do do all of those things and still cause stress in other ways, like being late or withholding cs, refusing to discuss important issues etc.