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    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    @utay62 I’m late to this party, and you’ve already gotten great advice, but let me just say: you broke the cycle. Don’t you fucking hang your head in shame! You’re a fucking dad! The hardest things to change are the things worn into us like the groove of a record. There’s a reason it’s called...
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    My 5-y/o daughter "well, actually"d me

    @richam Hahaha same my dude. Little goblins. I don’t fear them. Unless they get hangry. Then… yikes.
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    My 5-y/o daughter "well, actually"d me

    @richam You’re gonna piss off a lot of kids, talking like that!
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    My 5-y/o daughter "well, actually"d me

    @richam Alicorn is the Latin word for the horn of a unicorn, according to Wikipedia. My Little Pony popularized calling winged unicorns “alicorns” to differentiate them from non-winged unicorns and winged non-unicorns (pegasus).
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    My 5-y/o daughter "well, actually"d me

    @concernedcatholic Is your daughter my daughter? At this point I’m convinced My Little Pony exists so our kids can explain to us we don’t know shit about unicorns or alicorns or anything.