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  1. D

    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @stephcastro10 In my eyes this is still a small gap! My brothers are 20 years older than me lol! We are still very close
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    3.5 y/o sleep

    @brotherjj Thank you! Exactly!
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    3.5 y/o sleep

    @ckaf Excuse me? What’s with the judgement? It’s what MY kid wants and so it’s what he will get. Just because YOU don’t want to breastfeed doesn’t mean I don’t want to. Take your judgement elsewhere👋 and btw. My baby DOES get nourishment AND comfort from it. Please educate yourself! A child...
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    3.5 y/o sleep

    @brotherjj Literally same! My son wakes up for boob sooooo much. A 4 hour stretch is a dream😂