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    Forced to wean off breastfeeding

    @bethelight Send him with breast milk if possible.
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    Forced to wean off breastfeeding

    @ianwithers A bond with their father is above breastfeeding to the court.
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    Forced to wean off breastfeeding

    @mystere This is a good positive story 💕
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    "Coparent" is not informing me of anything

    @thomas1985 Hurts my heart when parents don’t see the harm done when they do stuff like this.
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    "Coparent" is not informing me of anything

    @joyfilled How about the grieving OP did when his children were being withheld from him? I understand she might be having a hard time, but it’s not about mom right now.
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    At what point do you stop giving coparent info?

    @themrsbeth If you are obligated to do that and you’re getting upset, then don’t do it. I mean, the father is an adult and can ask if he wants to know.
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    "Coparent" is not informing me of anything

    @thomas1985 This is a new situation. You got notified and are aware of the appointment. If you can’t attend you have every right to reschedule and show good faith when you include her in the rescheduling. Joint appointment making tends to be really difficult and hard to agree upon. I would...
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    Sharing Photos with CoParent

    @rvin Absolutely. But relatable
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    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    @jd14234 Child always goes home in what is worn at pickup.