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    I’m in tears…

    @bobezeh What you’re currently doing is not sleep training.
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    I’m in tears…

    @bobezeh Unfortunately, you will not get the desired results from sleep training until you actually sleep train.
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    I’m in tears…

    @christopherv Im so sorry for your loss. Thank you for being here
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @joryanne If there was a method without protest, everyone would do it. All humans resist change.
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @adunni Night weaning is not feeding overnight. Breaking the feed to sleep association is ending the bedtime feed 10 to 20 minutes before putting baby into the crib Wide awake and they put themselves to sleep. Baby can go to sleep independently (aka be sleep trained) and still eat overnight...
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @lvmangione 🤷🏼‍♀️ slumberpod was a lifesaver for us! So easy to room share at hotels. There’s a place for a fan if that would help (we never used one)
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @lvmangione What they said but also cardboard. When we go on trips I usually Amazon Prime wipes and diapers to the vacation Airbnb (or a friends house etc). Then I use the Amazon boxes to cover windows in baby’s room. If you’re still in a pnp, slumberpod.
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    I hate Toddler bedtime!!!

    @darthklim 3.5 year old boy Bath nights are Wednesday and Sunday, upstairs 615, lights out by 715 Non bath nights, upstairs 630, lights out by 715 Wake up is 630am sharp on school days, sleep in weekends (7am usually)… Naps once in awhile at school but never at home (1-1.5 hrs quiet time...
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @heavendreamer You can feed them back to sleep overnight and still have an independent sleeper at bedtime, per my comment above. People sleep train their babies and keep night feeds all the time.
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @heavendreamer Night weaning is a separate process and objective than sleep training (independent sleep at bedtime)
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @omaheart I think a lot of the links here will help you: Schedule- at 5.5 months, I’d expect wake windows of 2.5 hours. No more than 3 hours naps total. 11 hour expected night. Is baby going down awake at bedtime, last feed ending 20 min prior, in their own crib and room? See links for...
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    PS. The success stories that do get occasionally posted here are upvoted into oblivion because it’s usually so damn bleak in this space. So that’s probably why they are the first returned results if you are searching for your specific use case. Because our members need the hope!
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @lesnock Yes, from the viewpoint of someone who spends hours on this sub trying my best to help the literally hundreds of extremely desperate posts we get every day, I think perhaps you have exaggerated for your own narrative.
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @lostconfused Oh yes, these people definitely exist! I just don’t see them writing a “preponderance of posts” on this sub. In fact, the opposite.
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @freedomusa I agree with you there. But OP said posts, and I just don’t see them.
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @tranthienvi47 Ask a question in the post! Today’s AMA is stickied to the top of the sub.
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @mjfacio777 Going on now!
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 Is he falling asleep from wide awake, no pacifier, last feed ending 30 min prior, without you in the room? Zero assistance? Even if so, its clear he can not self-settle in the same room as you. He can tell youre there and it's confusing. You asked "how do I stop the night wakings" and...
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @lesnock Where are these posts that you describe in the first paragraph? I just scrolled the last 50 posts and what I see is “in hell” “im dying” “hopeless” “I’m so lost”…. We get maybe 1 “This actually worked for us!” post every month or so, but I’m not seeing a huge amount of posts with an...
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    Sleep training a 12 week old - success w/o CIO

    @worriedone Maybe ask in the SnooLife subreddit for better insight, as those people are still deep in it. At this point the Snoo seems like 800 lifetimes ago 😂