Search results

  1. M

    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @leviticusrocks That makes sense as a mechanism to me. I wonder if this has been observed in practice or whether it's mainly a theoretical risk.
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @kevinh Is this something your provider has told you? I wasn't aware there was a connection between use of supplemental progesterone and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, and I'm curious what the link there would be.
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    Crossing the 6 month mark

    @rosetyler The Cleveland Clinic’s stats are a little out of line with the generally accepted numbers — usually the numbers are given that about 70% of folks have conceived by cycle 6, and and additional 15% (that is, half of the folks who remain) will conceive by cycle 12. This does give you a...
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    O-3, O-2, O-1 vs. O day... Does it matter?

    @indianwomenhealth So I definitely have to be clear that this is a "do as I say, not as I do" situation -- rationally, I know the stats, but I also get a little too goal-oriented when it comes to fertile window sex. But given that I'm a hypocrite, remember to be kind to yourself. Please don't...
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    9 weeks post D&C - still positive HCG levels, anyone else w/ similar? (#cw)

    @prelude4ws Duh, I should have just looked at your submitted threads...
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    Lab Results Meaning?????

    @james6771 Ah, in the context of not having a period for a year, the LH level is a little suspicious. Typically, your LH would only be that high if you were nearly ovulating. Depending on your other test results, you may find yourself discussing PCOS with your doctor.
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    O-3, O-2, O-1 vs. O day... Does it matter?

    @savedandsanctified Based on the data, what comes out is the following hand-wavy ranking system: Top: O-2, O-3, O-1 (~equal, O-2 being perhaps slightly better) (20-30% chance) Middle: O-4, O (10-12% chance) Low: O-6, O-5, O+1 (0-5% chance) Note that these are all single-day probabilities —...
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    Lab Results Meaning?????

    @james6771 The numbers given to the right are the normal ranges. All of your numbers fall within the normal range for the follicular phase, except that your TSH is a little low (you are a little hyperthyroid, according to this test), and your prolactin is also a little low. As far as I'm...
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    9 weeks post D&C - still positive HCG levels, anyone else w/ similar? (#cw)

    @michaelmorgan I know I have seen a really helpful survey over at /r/ttcafterloss where members were asked how long it took hCG to go to zero after loss, graphed by gestational age at loss. I don't recall where it was posted -- /@prelude4ws, I think it was your survey?
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    TSH above 2.5 but below 4.0?

    @giathinhpool The medication for hypothyroidism is just thyroid hormone in pill form, so there's not a huge variety of options (generally people are prescribed Synthroid/levothyroxine, which is just a pill version of the T4 thyroid hormone your body makes), and the safety profile is the same...
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    Study of fertility signs finds that only 10% of BBT rises occur the day after ovulation

    @emanuela And so, ironically/confusingly, "peak" on the CBADs actually means the initial rise of the surge -- it doesn't mean "peak" in the absolute sense.
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    Study of fertility signs finds that only 10% of BBT rises occur the day after ovulation

    @kristeen (Which is why first positive is a better predictor — they find that the initial rise of the surge is a better predictor than its peak.)
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    Study of fertility signs finds that only 10% of BBT rises occur the day after ovulation

    @jolyn BBT is useless for prospectively timing sex, it's true, but it's pretty useful for identifying when it's safe to stop having sex, and for knowing when you can expect a period or a positive test. Predicting when ovulation will occur isn't the whole game.
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    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @num1isjesus I am definitely not the right person to ask about sperm -- my knowledge has glaring holes, and most of sperm development is one of them. :) It looks like you've gotten some good answers so far, but /@seekerofhope is our current resident sperm expert (though my apologies if I'm...
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    Is this a BFP or Positive HPT b/c of LH peak?

    @ihaveagod If you’re seeing a faint positive HPT very early in the cycle, you should see your doctor for bloodwork and ask for an ultrasound — this is a red flag for ectopic pregnancy. High LH will not cause a pregnancy test to be positive, only the reverse (pregnancy tests are specific for...
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    How hard is it to conceive and have healthy baby for 35-40F?

    @tomcat4260 The odds of pregnancy within a year of trying are around 80-90% up to about age 37, and then around 70% at 38-39, and then around 50% at 40-41 (source). So overall, the odds are very good that you could have one child between 35 and 40, and rather good that you could have two. Three...