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  1. A

    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @michaelweiss Good luck! Parenting is hard. Sometimes an outside perspective can help--or hinder. I'm on the fence about "take away the food" for several reasons. You are absolutely correct, negative attention is still attention. Be sure to give him 1:1 time around dinner. When he does eat a...
  2. A

    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @michaelweiss I mean this gently and as a suggestion, but it's probably not going to sound like it. Stop coaxing/begging/bribing. Believe it or not, that reinforces his slow eating. He's getting a lot of 1:1 attention at mealtimes, why would he eat faster? Next mealtime, place his food in front...