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  1. R

    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker My son was bottle-fed, first breastmilk, then both, then formula from 4-12 months. We're now at 13 months old. He's very attached and very clingy. He squeals with happiness to see me and daddy. He adores his grandparents. He runs squealing to be picked up and smiles this big...
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @nursered My 51 year old mom was told she was brave and strong for breastfeeding me and my sister when we were baby's. She'd go "oh yes, I just love the way it saves money, formula is so expensive".
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    Currently over here sleep-deprived and questioning every parenting decision I've made... Send help!

    @pickledcarrots Honestly 9/10 months is when we did night weaning and moved out of the room. We didn't co sleep, but our dude went from 1 wake up to 4 or 5 despite drinking 40+ounces of formula and 3 meals and 2 snacks during the day and was waking up 45+ minutes early. We moved out of the room...
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    Long term contraception solutions for OAD

    @nocalove I've enjoyed my nexplanon arm implant, because I've had a mirena escape through my cervix. The next best option is sterilization for either of you.
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    R.I.P. Old Life

    @deetz I know these are not immediate fixes but, this is why we get diaper delivery (hello bello brand), and we have a small stand of cloth diapers and wipes just in case we run out (24 foldable inserts, 3 shells and 2 dozen cloth wipes)