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  1. E

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @joejoe Our kid is very accident prone (like, multiple ER visits over the summer) so the (more) overwhelmed hospitals is definitely a worry for us
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @ecbblmstr Haha I want to live where you are. The peds vaccine rates here are abysmal, and it's definitely not outdoors weather year round
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @nearu The unknowns about long covid is what scares me more than the initial symptoms
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @crispyfry I appreciate the rambling wall :) it's a really good point about balancing the mental health aspects, as well as kiddo's social and emotional development
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @sandyoriane That's kind of how I'm feeling now - it's not if, but when. Especially given how 95% of the preschool class doesn't mask up. It's so depressing how long this has dragged on. And how our kids think nose swabs, mask wearing etc is all normal. I'm a pediatric nurse. I am so over this...
  6. E

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    We have a 3.5 year old. Husband and I are vaccinated and boosted - although I got the J&J which I just read is really ineffective against Omicron. We've been pretty damn cautious since March 2020. Kiddo just started preschool in September, and we just started letting her go to dance classes once...