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  1. W

    How DH “does the laundry”

    @elle9406 I can't seem to succeed in #6, really. I do 5 (all the chores) and get swept up and forget to finish. My mom stays a lot since the twins (10months) were born, and my laundry failings driver her nuts. Of course she never asked my husband to move the laundry forward, even though he is...
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    Annoying comments about my son being small

    @pentie2003 I feel you so hard. My twins came out a month premature and just a hair below five pounds. Somehow they only did a couple hours on the NICU and went home with us. But I am so sensitive about how small they were, and boy twin is. Even though they are now perfectly healthy sizes. But...
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    What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

    @rescued2 Usually it's been "do twins run in your family or..." And when I don't want to talk about IVF I say "they just started running x months ago, and boy is it crazy!" (Still toddlers so running is new). I usually get a confused expression which is amusing.
  4. W

    What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

    @jon200689 I like this when the person is a twin or has twins because then I can ask them for stories and advice. But if it's distant twins it's just annoying.