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  1. P

    5 Year Old Screams to Disrupt Nap Time

    @dontajohnson Nap time is standard for pre-K (ages 4-5) where I am, too. My child stopped napping at 3, but many of her classmates did sleep at nap time in pre-K.
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    How to support a gifted child?

    @katrina2017 I’m with you. Also a former gifted kid with a likely gifted 5 y/o. OP, my kid was similar academically to what you’re describing—able to do all the “first grade things” before age 4. We chose to start school at the normal time and did not pursue acceleration. My daughter is in...
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    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @dmurrayfly There is light at the end of this tunnel! Since about age 5, I have had to be the one to wake the kid up everyday! On the weekends, she often sleeps until 9 or 9:30! It is now easy to get up before her, if I really want to (I don’t).
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @tgia413 You (and the poster above you) have hit the nail on the head. There will always be people who cannot afford to redshirt. Typical 4 year olds and 6.5 year olds are not in the same place developmentally. It is not fair to the 4s/low 5s to put a bunch of >6s in their class. The 4s’...
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    Family traditions with an only?

    @arl127 Related, somewhat: We just got back from a vacation in the White Mountains. It was a nature-focused trip, and I knew that my five year old would be looking at a lot of rocks. So I checked out a book titled “If You Find a Rock” and read it to my daughter. It sort of lyrically describes...