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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 So I’m guessing he’s lying or heavily skewing things to his therapist. I’m so so sorry you’re in this situation OP. Perhaps you can suggest couples counseling?
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 This sounds very concerning OP. Your husband is trying to isolate you from family members (I read your comments about what your mom did, your husband is being completely unreasonable). You’re burnt out and you need help. Why does your husband get the final say here when you’re doing all...
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    Can’t have a third kid :( please remind me why it’s ok?

    @ztalbott Two is wonderful!! Imagine how much less attention your two sweet kiddos would get if you had a third. Also, would a third force some kids to have to share a room? Would you have to buy a new, larger vehicle? When you go to amusement parks, most rides are for two people. Kids are...
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    Husband won’t open a joint account…. Thoughts?

    @pr0cessa This is financial abuse OP and it’s not normal or okay. Honestly it’s time for an ultimatum. What if your child gets sick and you don’t have the means to pay for a doctor/ER or medicine? There are a number of scenarios like this, but just in general, you should have equal access to...
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    How to avoid jealousy?

    @chux7 Does your husband ever do his bedtime or help him get back to sleep?
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    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 I’m a SAHM and I put my kiddos in preschool around age 3. For me personally, I was happy to have some time to myself back, plus opportunity to really meal prep (I love to cook), clean the house and run errands. My kiddos are both really social and love going to preschool! Just play it...
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    What is your weekend routine?

    @crouche76 No routine. Often we have birthday parties scheduled or in the winter we ski, but every weekend looks different. If we don’t have anything planned for the beginning of the day, we love sleeping late and staying in pajamas. My kids are currently watching cartoons in their pajamas while...
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @halo235689 That’s great, good for you!
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @halo235689 Do they have any fitness classes? We had a lot at our local Y, and those are often a great option as the instructor is leading the class, they go by quickly and can be super fun!
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    If you have 1 SAHP and 1 Parent working full time…

    @akdamar I’m a SAHP and spouse works full time. My kids are both in school now, but before, I essentially did as much as I could when he was working. I tried to keep the house tidy (near-impossible with babies and toddlers) and did meal prep or errands when possible. As soon as he was off work...
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    I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…

    @drawingangel2 It sounds like he’s your teenage son, raging with puberty hormones, unable to adult. Does he behave like this often? I wouldn’t be able to live like this. Couples counseling if you want to try and save the marriage OP. Otherwise all I can say is that his behavior is not normal or...
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @jmcd It’s so hard. It took me a while to get a system in place! I write everything down, so I know down to the day what my tasks are (like packing the kids lunch, what we are doing for dinner, what cleaning I’m going to do, which errands, etc.) and that helps me a ton!! I also do a lot at...
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @llleopard See for me, if I don’t have it written down and set for a specific day, then it definitely won’t get done. We all have to do what works best for us!
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot The first year or so, I was a wreck. That being said, now I have a pretty set schedule! Daily: meal prep, spot vacuuming, laundry as needed (usually every 2-3 days for laundry) Weekly: bathrooms, dusting, entire house vacuumed Bi-weekly: change sheets, steam mop tile floors Errands...
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    I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

    @snlmommy You can’t cook a meal while also watching your baby. Why can’t your husband parent his child while you prepare dinner?
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    How to deal with the dread

    @naka90hara Not sure where you are located, but my son is a 1st grader at a public school in the US. They LOVE having parent volunteers in the classrooms!! Since kinder, I’ve gone into his classroom at least one day a week to help. This way, I feel comfortable with knowing what goes on in his...