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  1. N

    No help with baby from father

    Everyone who has a equal partner is so lucky, I’m happy for those of you who have that. I’m not going to settle and be unhappy. Thanks everyone 🥹
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    No help with baby from father

    I appreciate everyone’s advice 🥺 I’m trying to be strong and do what I have to do.
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    No help with baby from father

    @rosemae Thank you. I’ve had the talk many times and nothing changes. He tries to help a bit more but sees me as lazy. Sucks
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    No help with baby from father

    @williame300 That’s a whole other story. I hope no1 can find my Reddit
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    No help with baby from father

    @stdamage I guess I feel so sad that the baby won’t have a fam that’s together but I can’t stay like this either. Im at my moms during the week day n night . I hope I get use to it here so it’s easier to adjust to leaving 🥺
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    No help with baby from father

    @toddinsd I was thinking about that but not sure when we would have time w a newborn rt now :(
  7. N

    No help with baby from father

    My baby is 3 months almost 4. I’m am so tired and mentally drained. It’s very hard and I think what makes it hard is having no help from the father. I’m so still with him in a relationship but I’m starting to think I’m better off single since I already feel that way.except I wouldn’t have the...