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  1. G

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @dmurrayfly You’re such a good mom. Don’t listen to the Witch In Law.
  2. G

    JUsT iGnOrE iT

    @noelfaith I don’t know if you want advice or just a good venting session. I see you. That seems really hard. I know all about the guilt of yelling at your struggling kid. I did it too. I changed my ways but I still fail sometimes and that’s okay. We can’t be perfect because we can’t set...
  3. G

    JUsT iGnOrE iT

    @riskyboots We also need them for adults ! Think of it. Being able to scream without scaring our kids to death would be so helpful sometimes.