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  1. B

    Parent schedule w/ 4-week old

    @carolina8402 few follow up questions if you don’t mind! What’s the value of doing a hard stop feeding @ 9 and 9? Does you sleeping thru a feeding / your hubby taking it not impact your milk supply? Have you noticed a downside from doing a semi regular feeding schedule? Thank you!
  2. B

    Parent schedule w/ 4-week old

    @doone When the off duty parent stayed in the other room, did the on duty parent just go wake them up / was in charge of the “schedule”?
  3. B

    Parent schedule w/ 4-week old

    My husband and I are struggling to get our sleeping routine down with our 4 week old. Any tips or suggestions on what worked for your LO and family? For instance, how did you split feedings, changing, and burping responsibilities? Did you switch things up on the weekend vs weekday? I’m...