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  1. L

    PCOS + Mild MFI? Help with understanding semen analysis results

    @s3anreilly Thanks. Yes, I was aware about the trigger shot turning positive the OPK and it did do that on CD 15-17 in the morning. It was only up to a little over 1.0 on those days in the morning and wasn’t positive later in the day. It wasn’t positive in the morning on CD 18 but was on CD 19...
  2. L

    PCOS + Mild MFI? Help with understanding semen analysis results

    @s3anreilly Thanks on the semen analysis review. Do you also mind telling me what his sperm count is? Is it the same as concentration? Is there a math equation to figure it out? As for the trigger shot, I had an ultrasound on CD 12 that cycle showing two dominant follicles and was told to...
  3. L

    PCOS + Mild MFI? Help with understanding semen analysis results

    I’m trying to understand my husbands semen analysis results. I’ve reached out to male infertility on Reddit about it and got mixed messages on if his results are ok for natural conception or not. We are ttc going on 5 years with the last 1.5 years being pretty regular menstrual cycles. I have...