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  1. F

    My tips for a colicky / reflux baby

    @hoctienganh "if you remember" is it cos I've definitely browned out a lot of those weeks 😅 He was just farty at first - or rather needed to fart, his guts would sing and he'd writhe all around trying to fart. I think around maybe 5 weeks he really showed all the classic signs of reflux -...
  2. F

    My tips for a colicky / reflux baby

    @karubin It is so fucking hard. My lil dude just finished his nightly 30 mins of screaming for no reason. It's a lot and I'm exhausted most of the time. But the smiles are worth it. And sometimes he'll lay his lil head on my shoulder when we're taking a walk. Those things help. I struggled w...
  3. F

    My tips for a colicky / reflux baby

    This is a long one, sry Baby boy is 3 months on Friday, so I'm graduating from this thread. Thought I'd share my wisdoms before I go. Skip ahead for the tips. Started writing this waaaay before he was better but it helped me remember that it would get better. No 31 y/o man cries and screams...