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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @name123 Well.. that’s just the most logical thought process that never crossed my mind (not being sarcastic haha). Wow. Talk about mom brain over here lol. Thank you again!! Ditto.. enjoy your sleep when you can!
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    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    @katrina2017 Yep, all of this. I smelled so strange and I sobbed uncontrollably when my phone made a video of our hospital stay. Pretty sure it was day 5. Definitely give yourself grace and take A LOT of pics at the hospital! Of course I was in the moment while there but you’re also in like a...
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @name123 Thank you so much. I just get so stressed that he’ll start losing again. FTM so I guess I just have to let go and give it a whirl lol. And we know how quickly things change with these tiny humans, lol. He sleeps great now, but who knows about next week! Here’s to hoping your little...
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @joeb32 I’m so glad to hear/see that all of your hard work is paying off! And I keep hearing how important it is to try to echo their surroundings to day vs. night. We do this to an extent, but will definitely make it more intentional now.. especially given your success. Seriously.. thank you...
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @joeb32 This is amazing information. Wow. We are going to start this tonight actually. Really, really appreciate you taking the time!!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @selam Ugh such a good point. And so reassuring. Thank you 🫶
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @luella That’s a great mindset to have!! Going to try to do this during the day as well!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @disciple1997 Hahah you know how these things change day to day and week to week though lol
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @joeuwa Incredible!! I’m going to give this a shot!! Thank you!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @meeniminyong Thank you so much. I appreciate the reassurance!! 🥹
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @marysmit That’s amazing!! Thank you so much for the advice.
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @gidmos44 Haha Things change quickly! Here’s to hoping you get a few more hours straight soon. 🤞
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @oilumiun12 Hahaha great point. Thank you so much!!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @mirele This is so, so good to know. Thank you very much again!! Yeah 10 hours sounds pretty phenomenal!! Really appreciate your help 🥹
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @mirele Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. I really appreciate this response!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @goodman1985 Something I always tend to forget! Thank you so much for the reminder and for the advice!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @bdmw3e Thank you 💙
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @earthmover Thank you so much for this advice. The extra oz or 2 is a great idea! Going to start this at the next feed today! And thank you! Enjoying the perception that he’s a good sleeper now since we all know how quickly things change week to week, lol. Thank you again!
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @earthmover Thank you! Ugh I’ve heard this over and over and I know you’re right. I just get so stressed that he won’t get enough milk because this kid can sleeeep.
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    My 7 week old is doing great. He was 8 lbs 6 oz when he was born and he’s currently 10 lbs 9 oz (26th percentile). He’s drinking 3-3.5 oz every 3-4 hours (bottle feeding exclusively breast milk). So he’s essentially feeding 6-7 times a day and probably getting between 18-24 oz a day. He doesn’t...