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  1. C

    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    @godsunworthyservant First morning urine
  2. C

    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    @sadie17 when were you testing your second time?
  3. C

    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    @sadie17 I only have 10 tests for the CB AD test which is why I’ve just been doing once a day in the morning since that’s what the directions say but maybe you’re right and it would be worth it to test more often
  4. C

    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    I saw my OB last week and she recommended the Clearblue Advanced Digital tests. Previously, I had been using the easy@home LH strips for my last two cycles and usually saw a peak at around CD12-13 on those. I am expecting it to be the same with the CB test but who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️ I was curious how...