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  1. G

    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @quedee Some kind of chicken thigh casserole put on in mid afternoon if you're wfh. Brown some thighs, take them out, brown onion, then garlic, then add herbs or whatever, tomato paste? Curry paste? Put the chicken back in, bung it in the oven. Serve with rice or pasta. Tonight we're having...
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @quedee Wow, I enjoy grocery shopping and would love to have a cleaner. If I clean my house I get distracted and it takes for ever, if I have a cleaner coming I just have to tidy it and they do in a couple of hours what it would take me most of a, day to do.
  3. G

    How unlucky was I?

    @daphne1 The complicating factor is all these things were probably linked. It's not like "what are the chances of being hit by a car and having low supply. Your labour didn't progress so you had to have pitocin. The pitocin meant that you had to have an epidural. The epidural probably...
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    Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

    @joshisajosh You can teach a 2yo all you like, they don't have the executive function to be trusted to act appropriately 100% of the time.
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    Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

    @trob The dog owner is just as responsible for supervision. Also we don't know that OP's kid wasn't being supervised. Unless you're sitting between the baby and the dog all the time then there's a chance that the kid could get to the dog despite being supervised. The key is is someone around...
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    My toddler is saying the “N” word and I’m not ok

    @traxione I don't have any insight into this word, but I am comfortable swearing in front of my kids. When my oldest started saying fuck I explained that some people are OK with it and others think it's rude so it's just a word to say at home, and not to say it at someone. I think that...
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    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @stayinfaith My 2yo's phrase of the week is "oh my goodness". It's freaking adorable.
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia He should have offered, you should have asked when he didn't. He can't work as well at home? You can't work as well looking after kids.
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    My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

    @rosslufc Going to the bathroom again, and yes, I was there 20 mins ago, don't ask!
  10. G

    My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

    @deliverusfromevolution Oi lady, you got somewhere quiet I can milk these big old knockers?