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  1. P

    Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?

    @majubahill Wow that’s great to hear. So hard to not know if I’m growing something or miscarrying inside. Next beta is tomorrow. Feels sort of impossible major changes could have occurred in 2 day but I hope 🙏 . Helpful to heed your experience!
  2. P

    Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?

    @bookofkittehs That’s great to hear hear. ♥️ hope mine increases 🙏. Guess it could go either way but I hope. Next hcg test is tomorrow, Sunday
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    Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?

    @laveencw What was your beta when it picked up ? How far along now ? I have my second beta tomorrow and my home tests look exactly the same today (15 dpo as 14 dpo (the day I got the 32) 😔 trying to prepare for a minimal rise tomorrow (if at all)
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    Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?

    @wordsbyj Oh thank you all for sharing these stories . Now I just apparently focus my worry on the doubling 🙃 🙏
  5. P

    Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?

    Update 6/2 - it was a chemical :( I did ivf. my day 9 is day ‘14 past ovulation’. Was devastated - beta today ‘32’ 💔. I had a pregnancy Nov 2023 where my starting beta was over 200. It was a MC at 11 weeks bc hematoma. But was a strong pregnancy itself. Any successful pregnancies with such a...