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  1. K

    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @amcm93 Thank you so much, that's really nice to know
  2. K

    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @amcm93 Thank you, I have saved the dates
  3. K

    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @katrina2017 I edited the post to add he isn't the bio-dad. Bio-dad does pay child support. He lives 40mins away with his parents, I've asked him before to have her even after school just for dinner when it's his b'day. It's a nope. I will definitely get back onto the daycare though, thank you
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    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @jimz I completely agree, I think I'm now more scared he is going to kick me and my daughter (not his) out and I just have no place at the moment to go. Thank you for your kind words
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    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @katrina2017 That's actually a brilliant answer and more helpful then you know. Did you have friends/family help with babysitting also?
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    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @katrina2017 Wow, thank you! If you don't mind me asking, how do you juggle the work, study, child to school?
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    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @katrina2017 Wow, thank you so much. I do feel that exact feeling too, the embarrassment part. I put everything ounce of energy into it. Thank you so much. I definitely gotta be easier on myself. Just your reply made me have a happy tear 🖤
  8. K

    How do you be a badass single parent?

    @eyebrowup Thank you so much! I should have stated I'm in Australia but I'll look up the relevant grants for us, thank you for that idea!! It's actually not my daughter's biological dad but hoping he has a heart to not kick out and give me some time Edit: correct grammar
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    How do you be a badass single parent?

    My now ex-partner is kicking me out of the house. I have 2 dogs and a child in school. He gave me a month, that ends in 4 days. I have applied for roughly 40+ jobs, with no luck. That's including interviews but my lack of being available at night isn't getting me places. I'm applying for day...