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  1. P

    Positive fFN at 18/4. Now what? Any experiences with FFN in 2nd trimester on here?

    @apolloman87 Thank you. I've got a litany of questions now and I plan to bombard them. Unfortunately I suspect this is more a case of running down the clock to viability. 37 days to go - it's a long time. This feels more like an art than a science at the moment. Aside from avoiding extreme PTB...
  2. P

    Positive fFN at 18/4. Now what? Any experiences with FFN in 2nd trimester on here?

    @reinar I'm really hoping that's the case. It's an adapted version that they use in this clinic, so I think it's slightly different to other parts of the world (it's available in 10 mins for example whereas most places I think you have to wait for labs). I think my mind has just been a bit blown...
  3. P

    Positive fFN at 18/4. Now what? Any experiences with FFN in 2nd trimester on here?

    @missjood Nope! I wish. I got banned from that a long time ago due to SCH
  4. P

    Positive fFN at 18/4. Now what? Any experiences with FFN in 2nd trimester on here?

    Hi, just fishing for experiences really. Short backstory on me: 2x early loss, 1x late loss (SCH led to infection led to IC). Had terrible SCH bleeds 8w-16w in this pregnancy. On 200mg x2 progesterone daily. Had my first fFN test today, it's positive. Despite everything I wasn't expecting that...