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    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    @kindofb1ue Do you sort of feel regretful for not celebrating the beginning of the pregnancy as much as you should have for the fear of things going south again? I have a feeling our 9 week appointment will go very similar to yours, all those emotions you’re holding back will hit hard. Rooting...
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    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    @simplegifts That stage of waiting to hear the bad news until you see the good news is god awful and wouldn’t wish it on anybody. Wow twins! Congratulations man hope all the best
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    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    @tj1985 Yeah in reality that’s all we can do, just support and care for them through it all. Hope all the best for you
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    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    @bengui Yeah we agreed on telling immediate family as they will also be the first to know if we lost the baby. Our 9 week appointment is coming up in two weeks and it seems like time couldnt go slower
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    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    My wife got pregnant last March, we were over the moon excited. Had our ultrasound, heard the heartbeat emotions were high. Unfortunately we had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. It was very difficult and we were devastated. After months of trying to conceive again we finally did it. We are at 7 weeks...