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  1. M

    I 22f & fiancé 21m, hoping to try in 2017, BUT..

    @paleouss The people who want you to make sacrifices for their comfort are not the people who will ever praise you for adhering to their instructions. Even if you do wait for your in-laws, they won't thank you for it, and neither will your MIL. You'd be making a huge sacrifice and they will see...
  2. M

    WTT #2 Bedroom Problem (not that kind of problem)

    @intertraveler This is a good point - you can have a little bassinet in the master bedroom for baby's naps, and when the older one gets bigger and starts complaining about sharing a room, you can suggest moving him downstairs.
  3. M

    On songs we want to sing to our future babes.

    @paleouss I love that song! A couple weeks ago, my husband and I were laying in bed and being silly (a nighttime ritual for us) and I started singing the words "go to sleep" over and over all silly-like to the tune of "lullaby and goodnight," or Brahm's Lullaby. It worked. He fell fast asleep...