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  1. H

    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    @dbot222 For me, the pregnancy was not viable. It was an empty sac, sometimes referred to as a blighted ovum. There are a million other stories with different outcomes. Sending hugs.
  2. H

    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    @singleloser50 Thanks. I asked for a scan today — no heartbeat yet, but yolk sac and embryo were seen. Beta rose to 15,700+ today, so still a bit on the fence I think. Will be curious to know what doctor says but imagine it’s more wait-and-see.
  3. H

    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    TW: miscarriage and child loss Third pregnancy, trying not to spiral but also want to prepare myself. 5.5w hcg levels were just over 6000, and 48hours later they had only risen a little more than 1000 to 7000-something. My OB wasn’t immediately concerned and wanted another draw (TBD), while...