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  1. M

    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @pastorinny I will check it out, thank you!
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    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @heytherezo I haven’t looked into eating therapy, I’ll do some research! He also has a super sensitive gag reflex and throws up when he doesn’t like the taste or texture of something. Which adds to my stress during mealtime, because I’m always nervous he’s going to do that. Our pediatrician...
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    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @dreamingmoon Well hey neighbor! 👋
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    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @dreamingmoon We don’t eat in front of the tv, but thanks for the response! Also, fellow Oklahoman..?!
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    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @abstractrythm234 I appreciate this, and you’re 100% right that he’s getting more of my attention this way (negative or not, it’s still attention). I will absolutely try to control my urge to hold his hand (figuratively) through mealtime. He does eat at the table with us, not in front of the...
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    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    Do any of you momma’s have a book recommendation (or any tips for me, really...) on how to help my picky, slow eater? My son is 3.5 and has never been food-motivated, getting him to eat things he doesn’t want has always been a challenge. The biggest problem, though, isn’t WHAT he eats/doesn’t...