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  1. S

    High PAPP-A *AND* low beta-hCG

    @vanniek yes, that's what I'm going to do (NIPT). I understand the opposite results (high beta, low pappa) indicate certain risks, just wondered what about the combination I have. hope your results will be good.
  2. S

    High PAPP-A *AND* low beta-hCG

    @stevekolt yes, this was the kind of test like the one you linked to. thanks for the suggestion, I'll try on NIPT sub.
  3. S

    High PAPP-A *AND* low beta-hCG

    Hi everyone, I just received my blood test results and I wonder what does such combination of PAPP-A and beta-hCG indicate, I googled a bit but I couldn't find anything but I'm pretty sure it's not typical. beta-hCG 38,3 iu/l, 0.675 MoM PAPP-A 4,71 iu/l, 2.197 MoM Hope anyone has some info...