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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 Why is he the only one who gets a say? Unless she is doing something objectively unsafe, I would tell him too bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 I understand that power dynamics are in play in many relationships, but that doesn’t make it healthy. It is unhealthy for him to be this controlling over you.
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 The fact that you feel that way is a concerning reflection on the state of your marriage and I would reflect over whether being a SAHM is a safe situation for you. My husband never holds money over me and does not think he gets extra decision making power in the household because he earns...
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    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    @mamac1 Nipple confusion is a myth but flow preference is real. OP, if you go this route it is a good idea to use a slow flow nipple and look into pace feeding. My IBCLC recommended the even flo balance to us with the wide neck and slow flow nipples.
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    Greek yogurt vs homo milk

    @rdclmn72 I think it’s what Canadians call whole milk
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    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @perfectlove25 Best practice breastfeeding wise is to pump or nurse every time baby eats to make sure you create a demand for as much milk baby needs at the time baby needs it until supply regulates at 12 weeks. Second best practice would be to at least pump whatever milk is used overnight...
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    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @pastorbenjohnson That’s great! I’m glad she’s doing better today and the gradual decrease sounds like a good plan.
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    How to not be irrationally resentful at husband for getting full sleep every night?

    @disciple0dave0012 This is exactly what we do. I’m so sick of these men who think working outside the home and bf gives them a free pass on parenting at night
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    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @pastorbenjohnson How many bottles was she getting a day prior to This? If it was just one I could see the cold turkey advice but if it was multiple I would do it gradually dropping one bottle every few days. My only concern is now that you’ve done two days of no bottle could be confusing for...
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    Infant Screen Time Studies

    @skyrue this is the AAP Media Use guide for kids under 2, they link to a lot of the actual research in the footnotes so you could click through to get to the studies.
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    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    @emilyjackt My son had torticolis also favoring the left, we called him Mr. left for months. The big thing to watch out for is a flat head. In the crib we always laid him down so he would have to look right if he wanted to look down. Tummy time and stretching will be super important for...
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    SAHM and Spouse WFH

    @toolenduso My husband WFH, and I am a SAHM. Working out is treated as recreation/personal time. I work out during the day when baby naps most day so realistically it typically doesn’t come up in our internal calculus of things any way. The way we do things is that at 5:30pm barring anything...
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    T.V. in living room with newborn, is this bad?

    @jane_ I guess the questions would be (1) does your baby look at/play less when it’s on and (2) do you think you talk less too your baby/to each other when it’s on?
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    T.V. in living room with newborn, is this bad?

    @zman0101 A newborn can’t learn from TV. That doesn’t mean a little bit of TV is harmful it’s just not beneficial.* The research in this area shows that kids don’t undergo the cognitive shift necessary to learn from screens until somewhere around 18 to 30 months. And many organizations do...
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    Transitioning from EBF to solids

    @senni Generally speaking solids start out as an in addition too not an instead of, so you shouldn’t see a reduction in nursing until baby is around 8 months old based on starting solids. Early solids intake tends to be just a few bites, it’s more about getting used to food than actually being a...
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    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    @snyder502 I personally probably would not go. It’s honestly pretty rude for them to do this on Mother’s Day.
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    Eating behavior in babies/toddlers - what to support, when to actively intervene?

    @son_of_belial The AAP recommends 1000 calories a day for one year olds. My pediatrician told me that as parents all we can do is offer a wide variety of foods, and it’s up to our kids to eat it. He basically said some meals will be a success and others won’t and that’s typical of toddlers and...
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    I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…

    @ej99 I think you should get that divorce
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    Mamas, what's the longest you'd be apart from your 0-2 y.o.?

    @samie I still breastfeed my 14 month old as well personally it would be a no from me unless I could bring baby with since 2 weeks of no breastfeeding at that age may well lead to weaning and I’m not ready for that yet. Also in general I don’t think I could stand 2 weeks but the bf thing would...
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    Can a 2yr old recognize letters?

    @slyanimal Yeah, it’s definitely possible, my son has known all the letters since around 18 months or so. He learned them from Chika Chika Boom Boom originally and then we got him a letter puzzle because he was so interested. Though per the CDC “naming some letters when you point to them” is a...