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    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @newadam Yeah I’m sparing about my “throw the whole man away” comments but honestly Reddit parenting subs seem to have soooo many deadbeat and/or abusive men
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    Supporting big families

    @wheredowego This is my dream honestly. I would love 10, maybe half bio and half foster to adopt 🥰
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @his_word_is_truth Meghan Markle has entered the chat
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @zurbupar Gosh it’s such a good point you make. It would be so lovely if child welfare was adequately funded and centred around helping people meet their needs and alleviate systemic causes of being high-risk of adverse childhood experiences, instead of assigning a label that feels accusatory...
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @terranova Social worker (child therapist) here who also used to intern at CPS taking calls: Honestly mostly socioeconomic and racist biases. If I had $1 for every time someone reported someone’s kids to CPS because they were a person of color or in a low income, single mother family, I would be...