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  1. M

    WTT until summer, what was your plan during the WTT?

    @jessica50332 I have to get the gummy vitamins cause I can't handle the actual pill. I should add more fish
  2. M

    WTT until summer, what was your plan during the WTT?

    @jessica50332 I had my annual with my midwife and she did a complete lab work up and everything looked good there. I need to look into the CoQ10. I haven't taken fish oil because the pills are so large
  3. M

    WTT until summer, what was your plan during the WTT?

    @rightway2truth Thanks, I just did!
  4. M

    WTT until summer, what was your plan during the WTT?

    We'll most likely start trying this summerish What was your plan in the months leading up to your trying I'm trying to come up with a 6 month plan. This is what I've done/am doing so far I've got my medicine reviewed and in the process of adjusting. I'm trying to eat healthier I just got...