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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    @slaw777 Thanks for commiserating! I hope yours sleeps better soon!
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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    @iheartmacsgaydiack I have no idea but I wish I could do it again haha. They just started doing it on their own around 3-31/2 months. …and then one night just quit and never have since.
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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    @unitedwestand000000 Thank you. We have been going back and forth over doing CIO. Did you keep yours together or separate them? Did they take pacis at the time?
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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    My 4 1/2 month girls were sleeping a blissful 10-12 hours a night and suddenly started waking every 2-3 hours about 2 weeks ago. This momma is tired and it’s really starting to get to me mentally. It’s worse than when they were newborns. Please, Jesus, someone help! Will take any and all advice. 😩