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  1. T

    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    @isuphloyd Ha, everyone who claims to have a routine at 4 weeks pp is either lying or joking. Or they believe winging it is a routine ;-) you do you, enjoy every moment and don't let others make you second guess yourself!
  2. T

    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @tongdtbds3 Ha he can complain all he wants - he chose to be a parent too and putting you child to bed is part of the job. Plus if he does it a bit more often and it goes better, it's actually a really nice, cosy way to have quality time with his baby :)
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @tongdtbds3 Any chance dad can put her to bed every now and then while you're home? You might need to take a short stroll around the block if she's anything like mine (won't take it if mama's in the house)...
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @tongdtbds3 What we "learn" about this in my culture is that babies are incredibly adaptive and flexible. They can nurse to sleep and contact nap with you all the time, and still be totally fine with someone else for naps as well. It's a matter of time and teamwork from the other person and your...
  5. T

    Requesting help: Unavoidable weeklong travel away from 1 y.o

    @risto Is there anything you're comfortable sharing about why your baby can't come with you? And how long do you have before leaving? When were you planning to wean if this trip hadn't come up?