@katrina2017 I was just talking to my husband about this last night! I said ya know, before we know it they’ll grow up too fast like our toddler and it brought tears to my eyes💔
@rogerionus Thank you! We separated them early on because of how much they were waking each other up. Now my daughter tends to sleep through the night and my son doesn’t. So just trying to figure out how to handle that.
@thisguy64 Almost halfway there 🥱
& thanks :) Luckily we have some medication on hand to help manage her symptoms and make her more comfortable till she is back to normal. Thank god it wasn’t a severe episode this time.
Sick 2 year old + sick mama + 4 month old twins + an epileptic dog having active seizures = husband calling in sick tomorrow.
This gets easier at some point... right ?! 😅
@billbydesign Honestly, once baby A came out, I felt light as air. Finally felt like I could breathe again!! Mine weren’t as big as they thought and I made it to 38 weeks exactly. 5 lb 7 oz and 5 lbs 15 oz… singleton was a 7 lb 12 oz baby at 39 weeks. It feels impossible but let it ride so those...