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  1. S

    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @kemet We started solids at 4 months as he showed readiness for it and gp gave the go ahead so slightly more than a month before. He did has a more painful bout of teething though. He showed signs of dropping a nap from 5 to four, then we had a couple of bad nights and days and after that a new...
  2. S

    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @kemet 7 months here. In the beginning getting 10 or 11 hours total was a real struggle. Then around 5 months 12 h became our magic number and remains so to this day. 9 hours per night total plus 3 naps, 1 hour each. At this point I know that he should start sleeping longer nights at one point...