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  1. N

    Looks like it’s finally happening!

    @boldpastor In Poland you most doctors will send you to the hospital one week after the due date. I think using the foley-thingi counts as induction/preinduction:)
  2. N

    Looks like it’s finally happening!

    @ponder7 We were able to speak briefly in between wards, but she’s in a lot of pain and seeing here like that stacked in my head
  3. N

    Looks like it’s finally happening!

    Wife in week 40+5 got admitted to hospital yesterday, no contractions, no waters broke. Finally this morning the contractions started (every 7 minutes) but this haven’t changed for last 7 hrs. Now she have been moved to pre-labour ward where I can’t be with her, I’ll be able to join when labour...