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    My kid called me fat

    @solidengr I always try to make these convos positive because I don’t want my daughters to equate softness with badness. My oldest asked me why my belly was still “big and squishy after the baby came out” and I said something to the effect of.. “Good question! Baby grew pretty big in there...
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @mohmann I had it when I was a teenager! Weirdly heat aggregated it (hot tea, etc) so if it’s cold where you are, go outside and breathe in the cold air! Ice cold water felt really good too.
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    Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

    @randall1967 At a director level, I can share we have similar policies in place about department/division employment. Essentially if one teammate is offered something deemed “different” and not part of a “protected” arrangement, it needs to be available to all teammates in similar job...
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 We see my aunt and uncle (they own a beautiful beach home) 1x a year, take one trip that is just my husband and I 1x a year, and the rest are nuclear family trips. We are fortunate to be awarded a lot of PTO so I know this is not the norm.
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    Unhelpful husband

    @restyvill Don’t you dare pack anything for him.