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  1. J

    Solo nap help

    @johnnyray I haven’t read it yet. I’ll have to check it out. Really cute idea to make crib fun and using a custom book! Does she fall asleep on her own in the crib?
  2. J

    Solo nap help

    @drick We are bedsharing but have been discussing moving her to a floor bed. She won’t nurse to sleep anymore (probably a good problem to have) so I can’t roll away.
  3. J

    Solo nap help

    Hi all! I’m hoping you may have some gentle approaches to my nap issue. I’m not interested in nap training/CIO solutions if I can avoid it. So my 15 m/o will only nap on me. I rock her to sleep and when she fails asleep I attempt to transfer her. I used to be able to transfer but haven’t been...