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  1. G

    She isn’t a morning person

    @libertyaboveall From the sounds of it, the toddler is awake, but just doesn’t want to get out of bed. It may seem unfair, sure. My daughter will not pick up her toys unless I tell her the Toy Monster will get them if she doesn’t. It’s not the “threat”, its the idea of losing her toys because...
  2. G

    She isn’t a morning person

    @lollylovesyeshua That’s how I do it too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
  3. G

    She isn’t a morning person

    @joylakala Not directly, no. But she will understand if you say it in a way that she can. “All these toys and games you enjoy? Mommy has to go to work to be able to give those things to you. If you don’t get up, mommy can’t go to work, so mommy can’t buy any more toys”
  4. G

    She isn’t a morning person

    @lollylovesyeshua Single dad with a 2 year old. First things first, you can’t apologize for disciplining your child. I’ve figured out that when I do that, it tells my kid “Oh, well I can still do this. I might get in trouble, but then again I might not since Daddy always feels bad for it.”...