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  1. S

    Preschool? She just turned two.

    @trinimanda Behavioral issues, now that I think about it, largely depend on culture. A given behavior, like being loud indoors, might be a behavioral problem in one part of the world and not the other. I was pretty...
  2. S

    Preschool? She just turned two.

    I need some back and forth because my mom anxiety isn't letting me think straight. So my daughter just turned 2 this month. Our only current care option that is affordable is a pre‐school that opened nearby. The told us a lot about how they are Waldorf/Vygotsky school and something about Tools...
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    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @enoch27 Honestly we don't tell ppl. Non moms don't get it, and we don't try to. Don't fault your naivety and don't let young you judge actual mom you.