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    Feeling like a failure

    @crystalhello Thank you, I have never told her what I think it may be (I’m not qualified to diagnose a cold), I’ve just said that there are certain things I find concerning and we should keep an eye on them. A doctor's assessment is definitely in the near future for him, this post was more...
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    Feeling like a failure

    @hesta Not sure how this is helpful, let’s assume for a second you’re right, how does this comment serve to address the concerns I’ve raised other than giving you an opportunity to give a self righteous response?
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    Feeling like a failure

    @juanaatorres Thank you!
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    Feeling like a failure

    @theberlintall I’m an only child, so the large family dynamic is new to me. Thank you for the tips, I’m going to build out a regimented schedule for him, and add more one on one time.
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    Feeling like a failure

    @theberlintall That’s possible, we were very structured at the beginning of the pandemic, but not so much any more. It’s not a matter of time or resources, just fatigue at times.
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    Feeling like a failure

    @theberlintall My schooling was good days and bad ones until I figured out how to manage myself, then all great days. It is possible he’s masking and is completely different at school than he is here, and yes it could be based on comfort levels. I don’t know enough about that kind of dichotomy...
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    Feeling like a failure

    @theberlintall No that’s what’s curious, his report card was stellar; I’m wondering if he flew under the radar or if there’s an obvious disparity between his behaviour at school and at home. For context last year there were regular messages from his teacher (3+ a week) about behavioural...
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    Feeling like a failure

    @theberlintall Speech delay is being worked on with a speech pathologist. He’s in school and latest report card was good compared to last year. We don’t eat junk food, so there’s nothing to cut out.
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    Feeling like a failure

    @hesta When we have pizza it’s homemade everything. We generally don’t eat processed foods
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    Feeling like a failure

    I (32M) and my partner (25F) have 4 kids, and I believe our oldest (5yM) is special needs (possibly ADHD, or on the spectrum). My partner doesn’t believe either condition is real in general (long story, pertinent but not the focus here), as a result of her position ADHD AND Autism spectrum...