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  1. O

    Dumb question about pack 'n plays

    @lauri73 Not a dumb question! My oldest had never slept anywhere but his crib since 6 months and we went away when he was 11 months at which point he needed to sleep in a pack n play. I brought his crib sheet and sound machine to try to make it semi-familiar. He actually did great. I think...
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @beloved926 I’d definitely try capping the naps. My 13 month old usually gets around 2, maybe 2.5 hours of day sleep over 2 naps.
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    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    @abgchristian23 We dropped to 2 naps at 8 months when he started connecting sleep cycles better.